November 21, 2011, 5:00 pm
Posted by: kathleen is a website that primarily writes profiles for online dating sites for self-affirmed ‘geeks.’ Think of them as your own personal marketing team, except they’re gonna sell YOU to all the ladies/men!

Yes, even as I sit here typing this, I can hear the scoffs and sneers of a few cynics. But is quite serious in their goal, and the dedicated people who work there are skilled at what they do. They understand the geek mindset because they are geeks themselves (yes, despite what you’ve told yourself, there are plenty of geeks out there amongst the dating masses! They’re just often “hunted to extinction,” because they’re so inherently desirable!)

If you don’t have a lot of romantic experience, or you’ve struggled with what you’ve had, this could be just what the doctor ordered. is offering a Silver d20 Package for us to give away at Desert Bus, the specific details of which you find at this website:

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