November 21, 2011, 3:57 pm
Posted by: KingKool

We got two new exciting chapters in the adventures of Dengler and Butts! Chapter 2 is written by joshuanovack:

– Beside the black van

The tire burst wide open, rubber flying out and busting the right mirror off of Dengler’s convertible. Dengler let off a couple more rounds at the vehicles right tire, unfortunately he fired just as Butts swerved to the left.
“Bus-it Butts! What did you do that for!” yelled Dengler.
“In case you haven’t noticed rookie, that black van’s out of control. If I hadn’t done that you’d be getting intimate with that van’s rear tires.”
As Butts said this the van’s driver must have regained control as they pulled back to their side of the road. Butts pulled back towards the bus and Dengler fired again, this time at the back right tire. The tire broke open and a terrible screeching noise could be heard as the bare rim sent a bouquet of sparks raining behind it. Butts slammed on the accelerator to pull ahead of the van as it started rolling like an avalanche down the Swiss Alps.
“That’ll show those bussing terrorist agents!” Dengler said with utmost satisfaction.

And chapter 3 is by Simon:

– BANG! Despite Butts’ rusty driving skills, Dengler’s expert aim managed to puncture the second wheel of the vehicle. Rolling across the road it crashed into a patrolling Mountie, upon which the driver flew out of the windshield.
The Stevemobile slid to a halt, as Dengler and Butts went up to the wreck to look for clues. From the drivers-side window, came the sound of a walkie-talkie:

“Team Delta, do you copy? Team Delta, we need you at the Moonbase! The operation is set to begin in 15 minutes! Team Delta, please respond!”
“Bus it!”, exclaimed Dengler. “Looks like they weren’t joking when they said 100 people. We may be in over our heads here…”
“No wait!”, came the response from Butts. “There’s a map in here! Of Victoria!”
Dengler took a quick look at the map, on which 4 spots were marked in red, labeled Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta.
“Well,” said Dengler and Butts in unison. “Looks like we know where we’re going next.”

Congrats to the winners, and let’s go for Chapter 4!

10 Comments on “Dengler & Butts! Part 2 and 3!”

  1. Ignore the part where I had Butts call Dengler rookie. After rereading the other parts I think Butts is the rookie. Probably.

    By Joshua Novak - November 21st, 2011 4:13 pm
  2. Words cannot express how happy I am that Dengler and Butts are (hopefully) going to perform this live.

    By simonAJ - November 21st, 2011 4:24 pm
  3. They really are going to do that!?! Bus yes!

    By Joshua Novak - November 21st, 2011 4:28 pm
  4. The whole point of this is that Dengler loved the prologue so much that he’s donating $100 per chapter, going for 10 chapters total I think.

    By simonAJ - November 21st, 2011 4:30 pm
  5. That makes me happy! I somehow found a way to help the children myself then, although Dengler is the one giving the money.

    By Joshua Novak - November 21st, 2011 4:36 pm
  6. Actually, I like it if Dengler’s the rookie and the chapter I’m submitting reflects that.

    By Trisha Lynn - November 21st, 2011 4:48 pm
  7. And the one I just submitted last reflects the opposite. Things are going to get reallll confusing.

    By Joshua Novak - November 21st, 2011 4:52 pm
  8. I submitted my Chapter 4 and a version of Chapter 2 that I accidentally wrote up just as the last contest ended, and didn’t get a chance to submit. But I think I might’ve accidentally sent it twice.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    By Con Air on DVD - November 21st, 2011 5:02 pm
  9. Oh, bus. I was so wrapped up in getting it submitted before time was up, I forgot to spellcheck it. There’s a HUGE typo toward the end.

    By Con Air on DVD - November 21st, 2011 5:08 pm
  10. [HatGirl says]
    I am loving all the enthusiasm and the creative entries, even if they don’t all get to be part of the story. (And even if it’s all a bit rushed and hard to keep in continuity, haha!)

    Thanks you guys for helping earn that $500 for the children today!

    By Arilla - November 21st, 2011 6:31 pm
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