November 21, 2011, 1:34 pm
Posted by: KingKool

Steve Butts and Steve Dengler have joined forces in the first chapter of Dengler and Butts! Here’s the first thrilling chapter of many, written by Granite_Grizz

12:45 – Directly behind the black vehicle

Butts – We’re almost there. If you pull up to the side, I’ll take a shot at their tires.
Dengler – I’m not leaving the fate of the bus in your hands rookie. I’ll pull to the side and you grab the wheel.

The black vehicle, apparently noticing the tail, started accelerating, but Dengler was already at top speed and easily pulled alongside the culprit.

Dengler shouted, “Take over.” as he lifted himself from his seat and aimed at the front wheels of the suspects vehicle. Sadly, Dengler lost traction on the accelerator and the pair of detectives started slowing down.

“Damn it! Quick, Butts, hit the accelerator!”

Butts lunged from his seat and quickly slapped the hand not occupied with steering on the accelerator.

“Keep it steady rookie.” Dengler encouraged as he took aim and fired at their target.


Will our heroes survive? Will they fight crime! Send what you think happens in Chapter 2 to [email protected]!

One Comment on “Dengler & Butts: Chapter 1 Winner!”

  1. Wasn’t Dengler the rookie in the prologue?

    By Revnak - November 21st, 2011 2:35 pm
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