November 19, 2011, 9:19 pm
Posted by: KingKool

Upon reaching $57,000 for this year, Desert Bus for Hope has raised half a million dollars over its five year lifetime. While we didn’t reach that goal before the end of James’ shift (forcing him to go RIGHT after his shift ended), we reached it before the break of dawn during Jer’s shift, and that is enough to get Matt to see it on his own schedule. Ash sent us a sparkly little pic, as did out friend the_amativeness  and fan Michael.

This is truly momentous. We could never have done this without you. Here’s to the other half million.

3 Comments on “We’ve Reached $500,000 Lifetime Donations!”

  1. Congrats on the half million milestone, Doctors LRR. The hard work you’ve put into planning and running this event for half a decade is truly inspiring.

    By Slack Mesa - November 19th, 2011 10:54 pm
  2. Now the secret drawing makes sense. Good work, Ash.
    Congratulations, everybody!

    By Arilla - November 20th, 2011 12:10 am
  3. That Fluttershy pic just made me burst out laughing. It’s perfect 😀

    Congrats guys, what an amazing milestone! This bus ain’t stoppin’.

    By Ben M - November 20th, 2011 2:30 am
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