November 19, 2011, 7:00 pm
Posted by: kathleen

For geeks and gaming fans, this is a man who needs no introduction, but that’s never stopped us. Jonathan Coulton is a songwriter who combines sincere musical and comedic talent. When he first quit his job to be a musician, he started “Thing a Week,” in which he wrote a new song every week for a year (a difficult pursuit to which LoadingReadyRun is obviously sympathetic).

His most famous song came at the end of the original Portal, “Still Alive.” If you’ve gone this long without hearing “Still Alive,” then you somehow avoided playing Portal for some unfathomable reason.

Coulton returned to pen “Want You Gone” for Portal 2, and has most recently released his eight album Artificial Heart. But there’s nothing artificial about the heart he’s put into the two awesome gift packs full of music and other goodies he’s donated to Desert Bus this year!

You can find Coulton’s totally unoriginally named website at or you could find an important video from him and his friends Paul and Storm here.

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