November 19, 2011, 8:00 pm
Posted by: Kara

A number of wonderful sites have helped us promote the launch of Desert Bus 5 and I’d just like to extend our thanks on behalf of the entire crew. This is a great event, but it can’t be done without the support of the wonderful online community and all those generous gamers and LLR fans out there. On that note, I’d like to tell you about some recent articles that have been posted online.

Escapist magazine is running its own mini game for Desert Bus where you can purchase virtual slime to throw at your favourite LRR member. Once they hit their mystery threshold, the “winning” LRR will get slimed on camera for charity. They will also be donating $10 for every Publisher’s Club Membership that is purchased.

The lovely people at SideQuesting wrote an article encouraging their readers to donate. We know how much SideQuesting loves to give to their readers, and we are pleased to see that they are encouraging their readers to be as generous.

Fangamer is now taking preorders for their cranberry coloured Desert Bus 5 tee. You can preorder any size up to 4XL and the proceeds will go to Desert Bus. In addition, they will also be donating 10% of their proceeds from other sales during Desert Bus for Hope 5. Thank you Fangamer!

Shamus Young (Twenty-SidedStolen Pixels, & The Escapist) wrote a blog post about our inability to find an appropriate time for him to call in… but if you missed, it’s posted here.

Game Set Watch posted about our one-of-a-kind auction items, and seemed just as thrilled/surprised as we were about us hitting 10K before we even started bussing.

DammitLiz tells a very personal and touching story about why she supports Child’s Play Charity with such vigor, as she joins us at the Moonbase to bus for the children.

The Great Escape sent a big shout out to Desert Bus for Hope calling us an, “addictive and entertaining event” for a “wonderful cause.”

The Joystiq Show is featuring an interview with Jamie Dillion of Child’s Play, followed by an interview with our own Graham, Paul, & Kathleen.

GamePro has a great article emphasizing our excellent auction items, as well as the level of insanity required to play such a monotonous videogame for 6ish days.

Special thanks to everyone who has helped us promote Desert Bus for Hope 5.

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