November 18, 2011, 5:00 pm
Posted by: kathleen

Penny Arcade, Inc. started as a simple webcomic about two roommates waiting for a game level to load. In the intervening thirteen years, it has become the undisputed king of gaming webcomics, spawning a gaming convention, a parallel video series, a video games of their own and Child’s Play.  Between 2003 and 2010, Child’s Play has raised almost nine million dollars. There may be irony in a deeply profane webcomic starting a charity for children, but the enormity of the contribution is undeniable.

The great folks at Penny Arcade and Child’s Play have been nothing but supportive of us and our craziness, and this year they’ve gone the extra mile and donated some amazing games and swag they’ve received (but isn’t appropriate for kids) to us so we can give them away to you.

Thanks to everyone at Child’s Play for making what we do possible. Kristen, Jamie and Robert will be here on Sunday to answer your questions and drive the bus, so be sure to tune in then!

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