November 18, 2011, 4:00 pm
Posted by: kathleen

If you’re wondering what kind of company Dracogen Strategic Investments is and why they’d be supporting a charity gaming marathon, it’s probably because you don’t know about the man behind the company, Steve Dengler.

The co-founder of currency conversion website (currently the 300th most popular website in the world), Steve isn’t just an incredibly successful entrepreneur, he’s also a noted Angel Investor, philanthropist, comic strip character and geek. This year Steve has raided his own personal stash of incredible memorabilia to put together some of the most impressive lots we’ve ever offered. We were so amazed by how much time and effort Steve had gone through to put together these lots, we thought we’d let him fill you in on the process in his own words:

Desert Bus: This is a really generous donation and we’re so floored to have a collection of this magnitude. How difficult was it to pull together? 

Steve: Quite difficult. No single task was particularly difficult, but overall, it was a real challenge. Many of the titles came from my own collection, but I also purchased a number from eBay and Amazon. If you’re floored by the donation, that makes me very happy. But I’m floored by all the people that helped me pull it together, like Tim Schafer, Ken Levine, Chris Avellone, Sean Becker, Tom Hall, John Romero, Jeff Lewis, Felicia Day, and so many others. They all have my sincere gratitude.

Desert Bus: It’s clear charity is obviously very important to you. Tell us why.

I want to give back. I love doing it through business, and I love doing it through charity. I find it immensely personally satisfying. So you could say I’m doing it for selfish reasons.

Desert Bus: Wait, I just re-read my introduction. You’re the Steve in the webcomic MegaCynics? That comic is hilarious! How many of your escapades in the comic are true to life? Do you really get up to all that wacky stuff?

My sister Ash and I started MegaCynics together in April. Dracogen provided the financing and I provided my business experience to help get it going. Most events in the comic have at their core a kernel of truth. And certainly the dynamic you see playing out in the comics is 100% true. Some events really did happen almost exactly as shown. And sometimes something happens in the comic that becomes a personal joke, and then we do it in real life just for fun. Ash and I are having a blast with it.

Steve will be visiting Desert Bus for our kick off weekend, and will be helping us auction off some of the sweet, sweet prizes he’s donated.

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