November 17, 2011, 11:58 pm
Posted by: Graham

Get it? Lots of fun?

It’s often been said (mostly by us) that when your goal is to add value, you get your butt down to Ken “Value Added” Steacy’s place. With decades of aggregated work filling his garage, he’s always more than happy to pull some awesome stuff out of the archives. We help out the children, and Ken gets to reminisce on projects he hasn’t seen in ages. Everybody wins!

Here’s some of the stuff Ken has managed to pull from the vaults for us this year:

Personally, we hope Ken’s garage never runs out of cool stuff, and even at the rate he’s dispensing with the goods, it’s likely it never will.  You can check out Ken Steacy’s corner of the web at

2 Comments on “Ken Steacy’s Value Added Lots of Fun”

  1. That Forge card in the bottom row. What.

    By Nicolai - November 18th, 2011 6:19 am
  2. Look at that Harley and Joker print. Definitely do want!

    By swenson - November 18th, 2011 6:36 am
  3. Leave a Reply