November 24, 2010, 3:30 pm
Posted by: Jer

Whenever I think about retro-gaming, I think about Frank Cifaldi, proprietor of and News Editor for Frank is a bastion of knowledge about the history of games, and  has the the dubious distinction of being the man who leaked Penn and Teller’s Smoke and Mirrors (and therefore Desert Bus) onto the internet. He’ll be calling ia a scant one hour from now. so stay tuned!

At 1Up, Frank has is a news editor, columnist, and regular contributor to Retronauts, in its various forms, over the last year. He’s a great, and very thorough feature journalist, and we look forward to speaking to him!

Frank also brings with him an insanely large lot of review games from the 1Up/EGM offices, to be auctioned off at the end of his appearance!

If there’s anything you want to know from Frank, post your questions in the comments below. If we have time, we’ll pass along your questions!

2 Comments on “1Up’s Frank Cifaldi Hops on the Bus!”

  1. One simple question: Creepers or zombie pigmen?

    By Miclee - November 24th, 2010 3:55 pm
  2. Will there ever be a Bio Force Ape Release Party?

    By Beth - November 24th, 2010 4:49 pm
  3. Leave a Reply