November 23, 2010, 4:00 pm
Posted by: Jer
Director of Policy and Enforcement for Xbox Live, Stephen ‘Stepto’ Tolouse is a man of many talents.  He’s a Twitter personality, a w00tstock entertainer, and the Xbox Live equivalent of our very own Kroze!  Weilding the banhammer from atop his mighty throne, Stepto keeps the intertubes safe for children of all ages. Few have the constitution to face down as many online terrors as this man.  Common terms found in his dayto day employment include “egregious sexual harassment”, “dick quotient”, “inaropriate personal exposure”, and the dreaded “helicopter”.
Stepto will be calling in at 5PM.   Don’t miss it.

3 Comments on “Stepto Enforces Policy on the Desert Bus”

  1. Dear Almighty Steptoe Who Has Insane Banhammer Skills,

    What Is The Weirdest Encounter Youve Detected/and or played with that you banned or got a laugh out of?

    By Jared - November 23rd, 2010 4:12 pm

    Dear Blah Blah ORiginal Title,

    Whats The Weirdest Encounter Uve Had On Xbox Live, Or That Someones Reported TO u And the minionS?

    By Jared - November 23rd, 2010 4:26 pm
  3. Dear Dr. God of Hammers Stepto: What about people who live in places like “Fort Gay”? 😛

    By TropicalBus - November 23rd, 2010 5:16 pm
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