November 23, 2010, 12:00 pm
Posted by: tally

Sponsor Showcase : Bethesda Softworks

So, on Monday it was super cold and miserable. An ‘epic’ blizzard had descended on Victoria. (Keep in mind that an epic blizzard by our standards is 2 inches of snow. We’re wimpy, and our city doesn’t have any plows or sanding equipment…). However, the cockles of our hearts were warmed, even though our toes were numb. Bethesda’s long awaited delivery finally arrived! Two boxes of Fallout: New Vegas goodies – games, hardcover collectors edition game guides AND the coveted NCR flag t-shirts (the ones that disappeared in about an hour at PAX prime) for us to give away and auction off for the children! Check out our live auction pages if you want a chance to get great Fallout: New Vegas goodies in exchange for a donation to Child’s play!

Thank you so much to Bethesda! We’re all drooling over the Fallout: New Vegas swag, and so are our viewers! Please visit Bethesda online at

2 Comments on “Sponsor Showcase 13: Bethesda Softworks”

  1. Wait, how does a city in Canada get shut down by two inches of snow and not own any sanding equipment, whereas here in the suburbs of Dallas Texas, we not only have sanding equipment, but were pretty much fine during the few inches of snow we got last year. I mean, schools shut down, and I think some businesses weren’t open, but the streets were clear you could still go to McDonalds.

    Just something I found a bit humorous =)

    By Nathaniel - November 23rd, 2010 5:05 pm
  2. The New Vegas Swag looks so cool. Too bad I’m penniless. Even if it is for the chillins.

    By Jordan Miller - November 23rd, 2010 6:32 pm
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