November 23, 2010, 6:00 am
Posted by: Jer
Where to begin with this blog post? The Escapist has contributed more than we could have ever imagined to the success of Desert Bus for Hope. Their entire staff has pitched in to help us make this the best Desert Bus ever. The countless hours programming the Dessert Bus pie game, the incredible prizes they’re offering, and the generous offer to donate $10 every time a pub club membership is purchased are just some of the ways The Escapist has been responsible for a huge portion of the money raised during this year’s Desert Bus.
Escapist staffers Kelly and Janelle have worked countless hours to coordinate talent call ins, corporate sponsors and press attention for Desert Bus. While they can’t be here in person, they’re most definitely here with us in spirit.
We here at Desert Bus would like to extend our deepest and most heartfelt thank yous to The Escapist for all the hard work they’ve done, the help they’ve provided and the opportunities they’ve given us to be so successful.

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