November 23, 2010, 3:00 am
Posted by: Jer
John Funk is a newswriter, columnist and game reviewer for, and Pokefreak / Gundam enthusiast extrordinaire. John’s collection of gundam models is rapidly encroaching on other parts of the Escapist’s offices, and his writing style exemplifies the bleeding edge of new and innovative pokemon-based literary devices, but hes always happy to discuss what it is that he does.
So, he chooses you, desertbus viewers!  If you use your ‘question’ abilities against the comments thread for this post, we assure you that when Mr. Funk calls in at 11AM, they’ll be super-effective.

8 Comments on “John Funk Chooses You, Desert Bus!”

  1. Dear Mr. Funk,
    Your Kefka vs. Crono fanfiction on GameFAQs is my favorite thing you’ve written. Is that wrong of me?

    By Aeon - November 23rd, 2010 6:02 am
  2. I want to know just how big your Gundam Army has become, and will you use them to conquer the office?

    By Grimheart - November 23rd, 2010 8:10 am
  3. Dear Dr Funk. Get a doctorate and get that as a official title.

    By LordCuthberton - November 23rd, 2010 10:58 am
  4. do you do ewe’s? 😛

    By Tiboa - November 23rd, 2010 10:59 am
  5. What Giant Robot model do you most want Japan to Build?

    By Fightgarr - November 23rd, 2010 10:59 am
  6. We’ve heard so much about them, what are the nerf wars like at the escapist?

    By Dan - November 23rd, 2010 11:06 am
  7. What games are you currently playing?

    By Stevey M - November 23rd, 2010 11:16 am
  8. You recently made a video on WoW Cataclysm: Which change are you most looking forward to?

    By Stevey M - November 23rd, 2010 11:16 am
  9. Leave a Reply