November 22, 2010, 10:00 am
Posted by: Jer
Bob ‘Moviebob’ chipman is known for many things: a dire loathing of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and a passionate love for Daybreakers normally reserved only for relationships between a man and his soul-mate.  Moviebob s best known for his video series Escape to the Movies found at the escapist, but you may also know his work as The Game Overthinker over at Screw Attack, or his most recent new series “The Big Picture”.
Bob will be calling in at 11AM, so tune in, and feel fre to post your questions, comments, or differences of opinion in the comment thread below.

25 Comments on “Moviebob Takes a Screener of Desert Bus”

  1. Have you ever tried your hand at any film making yourself? How did it pan out?

    By Stevey M - November 22nd, 2010 1:18 am
  2. Hey Bob, big fan.

    Who would you cast to play the driver in “Desert Bus: The Movie?”

    By Switchlurk - November 22nd, 2010 1:34 am
  3. Are there any movies that made you feel ashamed to be a fan of genre films?

    By BobSchmalzgach - November 22nd, 2010 1:50 am
  4. What snacks do you normally take into a movie?

    By Trymantha - November 22nd, 2010 3:04 am
  5. Is it just me, or is “The Big Picture” nothing more than “Game Overthinker” in a coat of noirish paint?

    By MowDownJoe - November 22nd, 2010 5:27 am
  6. Hey Moviebob have u ever considered doing a show like Escape to the movies but on videogames?

    By mumakil - November 22nd, 2010 7:08 am
  7. this would be 6PM GMT right?

    By Ed - November 22nd, 2010 8:41 am
  8. Hi Bob,

    Big fan! How do you feel about the current state of sci-fi films? Do you think District 9 has been beneficial or detrimental to their current status?


    By Metcarfre - November 22nd, 2010 9:00 am
  9. Is there a movie you think could have been made infinitely better with a small change?

    By ecocd - November 22nd, 2010 10:07 am
  10. Moviebob – I know you like Sherlock Holmes – have you seen the new BBC Sherlock series? Your thoughts?

    By Alasdair - November 22nd, 2010 10:07 am
  11. Hi bob I have been watching you for a long time do you think that they will ever perfect the video game film or should all producers or writers who come up with the idea be assasinated by a hit team of assasins?


    By Connall - November 22nd, 2010 10:07 am
  12. Who are the people from your Moviebob rant videos? Where did you find them? I wanted to make a Moviebob wallpaper.


    By Michael D. - November 22nd, 2010 10:08 am
  13. Dear Bob, With the creation of ‘The Big Picture’, a very similar show to ‘The Game Overthinker’, will ‘The Game Overthinker’ still be produced?
    Chances of a new ‘The Game Overthinker’ anytime soon?

    By GreigKM - November 22nd, 2010 10:09 am
  14. Hi Moviebob,

    Just wanted to say; I love the show.

    And ask how you got into reviewing, and how you came to be with The Escapist.

    By rockdweller - November 22nd, 2010 10:10 am
  15. Hi Bob, I’m a big fan! Just wanted to ask you what the best and worst movie you have seen in 2010 so far? Keep rocking! /addeB

    By Andreas - November 22nd, 2010 10:12 am
  16. Dear, Dr. Mr. Movie Bob (P.H.D)

    What movies do you think a person must see before they can call themselves a true film geek. if there are too many give us your top 5 or 10 films.

    By :Lugthor - November 22nd, 2010 10:14 am
  17. Outside of ones you publish on, what is your favorite website?

    By Kidate - November 22nd, 2010 10:40 am
  18. I was wondering how the escapist picked you up to be their movie reviewer?

    By Matt - November 22nd, 2010 10:41 am
  19. Dear MovieBob: What is the biggest piece of advice you would give to an aspiring critic?

    By JoshTheater - November 22nd, 2010 10:42 am
  20. Dear MovieBob: What got you into reviewing movies/media and working as a critic?

    By Seiler - November 22nd, 2010 10:52 am
  21. Dear MovieBob,
    What is your Opinion on the Bearinstein Bears? Any Social Commentary?

    By Marie - November 22nd, 2010 10:53 am
  22. Have you ever watched Red Letter Media’s reviews and what do you think?

    By Beth - November 22nd, 2010 11:04 am
  23. what games that aren’t firs party nintendo are you excited about

    By Human (hopefully) - November 22nd, 2010 11:11 am
  24. Dear Dr. MovieBob.

    How do you feel about the reception of your most recent show, The Big Picture, given how hostile and negative it seems to have been so far?

    By Andrew G. - November 22nd, 2010 11:12 am
  25. How do you feel about the relatively new zombie series on AMC, “The Walking Dead”?

    By Strave - November 22nd, 2010 11:22 am
  26. Leave a Reply