November 21, 2010, 10:00 pm
Posted by: Jer
Astro Gaming has long been on our list of ‘dream sponsors’. Their high end, incredibly bespoke headphones and gaming equipment are something we all personally lust after at LoadingReadyRun and we’re incredibly excited to be able to auction off not just one, but two of their A30 Wireless Headphone sets. Offering incredible sound, multi-platform support and just looking really danged cool, these are the ultimate gaming headset.
Of course, if you want to win one of those headsets… you might be bidding again LRR crew members, so you’ve been warned. Even if we… er, you can’t win one of the incredible A30 Headsets, you can order your own set online by visiting Astro Gaming at

2 Comments on “Sponsor Showcase 6: Astro Gaming”

  1. Wait, wait, wait.

    Crew? Win auctions?


    By Snowfire - November 21st, 2010 10:58 pm
  2. Me and my team really want to be sponsored by Astro Gaming because they are the best gaming headsets their is my team name is called MuNiTy Gaming I would like to be sponsored by Astro Gaming

    By Brandon Jackson - January 3rd, 2015 8:34 pm
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