November 20, 2010, 8:42 pm
Posted by: Jer

When Morgan arrived (late) this afternoon to begin his 24-hour shift driving the Desert Bus, he confessed that he had only had about five hours of sleep. Given his condition, the chat became dubious of his awareness, and asked us to set up a donation-based crash pool.

Of course we have obliged, and used this as an opportunity to create another way for you to win a fabulous Desert Bus prize. To be eligible, make a donation of five dollars and a number of cents equal to the hour of his shift in which you expect Morgan to crash. For example, a donation of $5.17 would indicate that you expect Morgan to crash in his 17th hour of driving. A donation of $5.25 indicates a vote of confidence for Morgan, and the expectation that he will finish his shift without incident.

If (or when) Morgan crashes, we will make a random draw from the successful guesses, and give the winner a  Sega DS prize pack, containing Sonic Mega Collection, The Hardy Boys: Treasure on the Tracks and Pictoimage. If you’re looking for an excuse to donate $5, this might be it, and keep watching as we will have a lot of other prizes to give away before the run is out.

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