November 19, 2010, 4:28 pm
Posted by: Jer

Desert Bus is a lot of work. But it’s not just a lot of work on our end to raise cash and give away prizes. There’s a lot of bandwidth going out to broadcast a high quality stream on YouStream, keep the blog updated, upload photos and pictures and then not to have everything slow down to a terrible crawl (as has happened in previous years).

This year, we’re going to be better, faster (and stronger) than ever thanks to our Technical Sponsors – Servint, Shaw Cable and Sharp’s Audio Visual.

Servint were our first sponsor for Desert Bus 4, and they are the reason you’re able to read this blog post at all. They are donating all the hosting for this year, providing unlimited uploads and an enterprise level service package to keep the Desert Bus site on the air. With Servint’s help, the slowdowns and bandwidth grinding that have plagued us in previous years will be a thing of the past.

Of course, we need to upload information as well, and Shaw Cable really stepped up this year and donated their fastest tier of internet service to us for the week – the appropriately sexily named “Nitro Internet”. We’ve really noticed how much faster it’s making our work, and the faster we can work, the more we can do, the more money we can raise, and the more we’ll suffer! Booray!

Finally, our last technical sponsor is Sharp’s Audio Visual. Sharp’s has generously donated us a 52” TV for the week. As you might know, we interact with the Desert Bus chat by running it through an enormous TV that we can read from anywhere in the broadcast area. With a 52” TV, even the most exhausted Desert Bus volunteer will have no problem reading our chat.

So there you have it – the three companies responsible for technical wizardry behind this year’s Desert Bus for Hope. There’s no way we could do it without them. Please visit our sponsors page to learn more about them and visit their websites!

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