November 18, 2010, 11:38 pm
Posted by: Jer

The wheels have continued to churn over the last 24 hours, and we’re thrilled to see more news outlets running with our exciting Desert Bus story.

  • Luke Stratford at BeefJack apparently lost the will to live three times just writing about the marathon, so our condolences to him!
  • Joystiq’s JC Fletcher wishes us well with our therapy bills following the event.
  • GamePolitics picked up on the story of our alliance with ServeInt, and have been sending folks our way.
  • GameJournos says he’ll be watching so we’ll do our best to be on our best behaviour.
  • Kotaku’s Michael McWhertor uses the word “Shatter” with regard to last year’s record, and all we can say to that is “command received; aye, captain!”

Huge thanks to everyone who has helped promote Desert Bus by writing, tweeting, talking, posting, status updating or otherwise communicating about it. We are so happy for your help, and looking forward to a great run.

We’ve got just over 18 hours to go: all aboard for Vegas!

One Comment on “November 18 Press Roundup”

  1. Congrats on getting linked by The Feed on G4’s site today.

    By Littleman 64 - November 19th, 2010 12:28 pm
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