November 18, 2010, 11:01 pm
Posted by: Jer

Thanks to a steady increase in traffic from all your support, we have now crested $4000 of suffering and we haven’t even started yet. With 83 hour on the clock, James, Morgan and I are each fully on the hook for 24 hours of driving. Bill, however, still has a leisurely eleven hours, and Kathleen’s valuable time hasn’t even been touched yet … so we’ve got some work to do for maximum suffering potential. If we do well enough, we could be looking at second shifts.

Thanks, everyone for your support, and send in some 4k milestone pics, if you are so inclined–I’ll append them to this post as they arrive.

2 Comments on “Four K!!!!”

  1. Bill has 11 hours :)

    24 * 3 = 72

    83 – 72 = 11.

    I’m sure he’d much prefer 8 though. I certainly would.

    By Simon - November 18th, 2010 11:56 pm
  2. My e-mails keep bouncing back.

    By Bryy - November 20th, 2010 12:46 am
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