November 17, 2010, 9:21 pm
Posted by: Jer

Tonight marks the Desert Bus 2010 technical mishap test–where we make sure all mishaps are accounted for and happy so that they won’t visit us during the actual run. Sure enough, things have been pretty janky, complete with lag, broken audio and other various issues. However, things are more-or-less working now, so if you’re reading this and want to drop by to help us test out our tech, you can find us here:

We’ll be trying out our new challenge solicitation system, silent auctions and more, so tune in for a taste of things to come.

One Comment on “Tech Test is Live [Now Finished]”

  1. Can we get a blog update detailing the silent auctions and challenge system for those who had chunky vid (or just missed it)?

    By Skamakazi - November 18th, 2010 7:46 am
  2. Leave a Reply