November 13, 2010, 5:57 pm
Posted by: Hacked by IkhwanaGanz

Ladies and Gentlemen we are on the home stretch. With less than seven days until we get that bus rolling again we are running around trying to get everything ready to go for next Friday. We are all super excited, but with everything that still needs to get done in the next couple days I don’t think we’ve had the chance to really appreciate the support we’ve already received.

In 2007 when we first did this we racked our heads to figure out “The Goal”. This whole online video game marathon hadn’t been done before. Could we really expect to raise $1000.00? Or should we aim higher? We knew going in that at the very least our fan base (which back in late 2007 was considerably smaller than it is now) would support us. So we decided to go with $5000.00, it seemed like a whole lot of money, I don’t believe anyone of us thought we would end where we did when we started up the feed. But as we all know it went farther than that goal and then some. Fast forward to this year. We’re still just under a week from the start of the event and with no incentive like last year we have already raised $2500.00!!! Thats half our goal from the first year. That blows me away, you guys are absolutely incredible. Thank you!!!

So back to this year. Things are shaping up pretty good this year. We hope to be doing our tech run Wednesday evening so if you wanna watch us screw around setting things up and maybe playing a game or two of Magic then check back during the evening on Wednesday (probably between 6PM-10PM PST) I have no idea when we might go live with it or how long we’ll stay online but come check it out.

We also will have a complete list of everything going up for auction this year. And we’ll give you a good idea of when you’ll want to be watching if you want to have your chance to compete for it!

Hope you guys are getting excited! This is going to be another great year!

20 Comments on “Only one week left.”

  1. So looking forward to this years Desert Bus for Hope! Hope it grows like the past years, Don’t Crash!

    By GregS-Bosku - November 13th, 2010 7:23 pm
  2. I can’t wait. It was during Desert Bus last year that I became a bona fide fan of LRR, now it feels like I’ve known you guys for years. Good luck and keep busing! Also can’t wait to see what the wrap up song is gonna be like.

    By xe2k7 - November 13th, 2010 8:59 pm
  3. So pumped for this! Sure I might spend the majority of my weekend in front of a computer, but at least I won’t be bored!!!!

    I’m also excited to see the complete list of everything that’s going up for auction 😀

    By Xelien - November 13th, 2010 11:52 pm
  4. Caught up with most of my university work, check.

    Prepared for about a week without sleeping, check.

    Money set aside for auctions, check.

    Everything is in the green.

    Let’s get this bus rolling!

    By Snowfire - November 15th, 2010 5:44 am
  5. So ready for this first Desert Bus I’m going to see and I can’t wait!

    By Beta Test - November 15th, 2010 5:46 am
  6. Toot toot! All aboard the U.S.S. Desertbus!

    Ahhh… that was superlame. But it made me happy. Just like you guys!

    Can’t wait!

    By Newbs - November 15th, 2010 8:52 am
  7. I’m soooo excited for this guys! I’ve taken an extra day off work just so I can have extra time with Desert Bus this year!

    I don’t have much money to put towards auctions but dammit you’ll be getting what I can give!

    *dances with excitement*

    Friday’s going to be a loooong work day while I wait 😀

    By nosole/Moohawk - November 15th, 2010 9:49 am
  8. Any year with Desert Bus is a great year.

    See you guys in a few days!

    By Emmy - November 15th, 2010 10:28 am
  9. I won’t lie; Desert Bus for Hope is my favorite part of the holiday season.  I hope you raise a ton of cash this year.

    By Tim Thraeryn - November 15th, 2010 10:36 am
  10. I just went through your entire homepage and am still unsure about
    1)what you’re doing
    2)what the game is
    3)why you are doing it
    Could you please add an introductory paragraph?

    By Scott - November 15th, 2010 12:21 pm
  11. Hi Scott – there is an FAQ you can read.

    By Kathleen De Vere - November 15th, 2010 1:53 pm
  12. With D-Bus rolling in on Friday – are you going to contact your volunteers with any instructions?

    By VanSlick - November 15th, 2010 7:38 pm
  13. I might have to chuck some more change in the pot, I’m curious what Kathleen might have to do if the number of dollars before the bus-ing begins is OVER FIVE THOUSAND…

    By Ian - November 15th, 2010 8:49 pm
  14. Eeeee! So very excited! As far as targets go, I’m kind of holding out for you to double the previous DesertBus’s donations like you did last year! How does $280K sound? =P

    @Ian: Incidentally? You have an awesome name. Just saying. 😉

    By Ian - November 16th, 2010 4:58 am
  15. Gonna get me a nice new scarf or hat or pointless token that I will worship cause it’s from DB! Feels good to be back in the family for a week.

    By Skamakazi - November 16th, 2010 5:43 am
  16. Hey guys, I can’t wait. After missing the first two DBs, last year’s got me through the worst flu of my life (or at least gave me something to do when I was too sick to do anything). Keep up the good work.

    By Avery - November 16th, 2010 11:45 am
  17. Chipped in $5 more, let’s make Kathleen have to do that mysterious thing she might have to do!

    @ other Ian: Why thank you sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

    By Ian - November 16th, 2010 2:33 pm
  18. $22,000 is a lot of money. $70,000 is even more money. $144,000 is unfathomable.

    Putting the grand total of $233,677 in some context is still difficult. At current prices, that would buy 140 of each of the following:
    PS3 bundle with 2 new releases and a Move
    Xbox 360 bundle with 2 new releases and a Kinect
    Wii bundle with 2 new releases
    DSi bundle with 2 new releases

    You have raised enough to supply 140 hospitals with a full suite of modern systems and video games. If we were to express that in terms of crayons and coloring books I’m sure the number would be equally staggering.

    Here’s to another $100k year of Desert Bus!

    By ecocd - November 17th, 2010 8:03 am
  19. what are the odds that the angry kitty deck will be up for sale/auction?

    By klondikejack - November 17th, 2010 10:44 am
  20. I was unaware Kathleen may do something awesome if the total money raised before it starts is over $5K. I may have to chip some in tomorrow early to do my part….

    By Kenny Cather - November 17th, 2010 9:35 pm
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