Posts Tagged ‘superheroes’
November 15, 2016 11:10 am
Posted by: Mike

The first Art Challenge of the Kate-Kara driving shift is up, up, and away!

Kate wants your very best superhero illustration, in LINE ART STYLE. I put that in bold because that’s important: we want black and white, outlines, maybe a little cross-hatching or halftone dots for shading.

You have until 1pm Pacific to get your work in. It can be inspired by Kate or Kara (seen doing a power pose above), or just an original creation of your own, we leave that up to you!
Email your entry to [email protected] and use the subject line “Superhero Line Art Contest”. Include your username or what you’d like us to call you if you’re our winner!!


Winning entry will receive a copy of the game STEAMPUNK RALLY, the fabulously fun strategy game of history, fantasy, engineering and imagination that incorporates steampunk as more than just a bit of chrome!

November 15, 2015 10:41 pm
Posted by: Tim

During Jer’s shift, we challenged the community to create their artistic renderings of the Alpha Flight team as superheroes, inspired by the Canadian superhero group Alpha Flight. Here’s the winning illustration, submitted by BeachGnome:

whyTHISalphaflight BeachGnome

Check out the rest of the entries after the jump.
